Digital collection of historic Melrose Park artifacts
Oral History
Our oral history collection is a collection of audio-recorded interviews which recount the memories of various members within our community. The focus of oral history is to capture details that wouldn’t normally surface in a written history text. The spoken word is one way of perserving and transmitting history to future generations.Our interviewees often express first-hand knowledge of global events, local traditions, and personal stories. As the collection grows, we hope to capture many different viewpoints and memories from various members of the community.
Peter Buomono
Long time resident Peter Buomono describes his early memories of growing up in Melrose Park and recalls some of the recreational activities he participated in.
Complete Interview
Barbara Giordano
Barb Giordano shares her memories of growing up in Melrose Park including her childhood, commerce, and recreation in Melrose Park.
Early Life
Commerce in Melrose Park
John Misasi
John Misasi recounts his daily life growing up in Melrose Park and shares his experiences in World War II.